Friends Unitedly Coordinating Kingdom Epistles Daily.........that doesn't even make bout.........Assistants of Spirituality Strong Holy Ones Laboring Endlessly........or.......hmmmm.............Witnesses Endeavoring Endlessly Dispensing Spirituality.
Theocratic Sedition
JoinedPosts by Theocratic Sedition
Why A True Believing Governing Body Member Cannot Be Humble?
by frankiespeakin ingoverning body admonish all their members to be humble christians repeatedly almost to the point of verbal beatings to keep them in line with the corporation and humbly do the work they are asigned.
they will use this scripture to examine whether or not a brother qualifies for being used as an elder:.
2:24"but a servant of our lord ought not to fight, but to be humble toward every person, instructive and long-suffering,".
Theocratic Sedition
I'd be blushing if anybody viewed me as being part of the "faithful and discreet slave." For as many times as that phrase is mentioned throughout the year whether in the magazines, prayers, comments, discussions with fellow dubs, etc., it would be a bit much to handle if you're humble and they're referencing you. Can you imagine being at a meeting and someone either via prayer, or in a comment, gives you praise? While you're in attendance? Or after the meeting they're asking for a picture to be taken with you? Or dinner on them? As it stands now I hate it when meeting someone new in Da Troof and they start their conversation with what can be likened to a theocratic job interview giving you a rundown of their spiritual qualifications and then they expect you to do the same. I imagine with a GB member it's even worse. I find it hard to imagine any of them being humble. Partaking at the memorial says volumes about someone's personality makeup.
Anybody enjoy looking at old NFL Films productions like, "The Autumn Wind"?
by Theocratic Sedition inthese pieces were nothing more than propaganda ads but dang if they weren't effective.
i get chills of excitiment watching these.
the music, the narraration, the visuals, etc.. truly flawless production.
Theocratic Sedition
These pieces were nothing more than propaganda ads but dang if they weren't effective. I get chills of excitiment watching these. The music, the narraration, the visuals, etc.. Truly flawless production.
Books for making a choice to believe in the Bible or not
by Aunt Fancy ini know some of you have referenced excellent books but i am not sure where to find them.
i am looking for some very good books to give me the other side of not believing the bible.
i am not sure where i stand at this point and would like to be informed.
Theocratic Sedition
Check out Robert Ingersoll's Some Mistakes of Moses, and a compilation of his writings Superstitions & other Essays. HL Mencken's Treatise on the Gods, and On Religion which is another compilation are good reads too. The latter writer's thoughts are more of an indictment on organized religion than the Bible itself.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Theocratic Sedition
Mizenesis 11:1, 4, 5-9.
1. Now all of JWN continued to be of one language and of one set of diverse goals. 4. Some of them now said: "Come on! Let us build a website and pull our resources together and build ourselves an anti-Watchtower with its top in the heavens of social networking, and let us name it AAWA for fear the WT will continue to scatter and weaken JW dissidents across the face of the earth.
5. And the Watchtower proceeded to go down to see JWN and the anti-Watchtower that the sons of JWN had built. 6.After that the Watchtower said: "Look! They are one people and there is one set of goals for them all and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them. 7.Come now! Let us go down and confuse their language and outlook so that they may not listen to one another's point of views. 8.Accordingly the Watchtower scattered them from there all over the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building anything substantial with one another. 9.That is why its name was called Baffle because the WT had caused enough disunity all throughout JWN and Facebook, and the WT scattered them from there all over the surface of the Web.
Margaret Thatcher has Died
by cantleave inwhether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her..
Theocratic Sedition
As a youngin this thread is interesting. I don't have much of an opinion on her one way or another but its fascinating to see just how polarizing she is even on this thread. The sentiments expressed in the article below are something else. Some of the comments about her remind me of thoughts on here expressed regarding the Watchtower.
"I'm not a hypocrite," said Mansell, who is from the nearby pit village of Swallownest and worked underground for 22 years. "I spoke ill of her when she was alive and I'll speak ill of her now she's dead. She doesn't mean two iotas to me."Chris Whitley, 56, who sold tobacco on the picket line, said he was in the pub to "celebrate - course we are. She killed these villages." He said families had been torn apart by the strike - brothers still refusing to speak to each other, unable to forgive the sibling who crossed the picket line while the other struggled by on strike wages for a year or more.
"Scabby bastards," said one drinker, declining to give his name for fear of reopening old family wounds.
Whitley said he was thinking of getting t-shirts printed saying "Thatcher's in hell - she's only been there a few hours and she's already closed down the furnaces". Propping up the bar, the men compared text messages they'd received throughout the day. A typical example: "I enjoy a good swim. But if someone asked me what my favourite stroke was I'd say Maggie Thatcher's." Another proudly brandished a text message he'd received just after 1pm saying simply: "Parteeeeee time."
Margaret Thatcher has Died
by cantleave inwhether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her..
Theocratic Sedition
LOL Brutal!!!!!!!!!!!
Several hundred people gathered in south London on Monday evening to celebrate Margaret Thatcher's death with cans of beer, pints of milk and an impromptu street disco playing the soundtrack to her years in power.
Young and old descended on Brixton, a suburb which weathered two outbreaks of rioting during the Thatcher years. Many expressed jubilation that the leader they loved to hate was no more; others spoke of frustration that her legacy lived on.
To cheers of "Maggie Maggie Maggie, dead dead dead," posters of Thatcher were held aloft as reggae basslines pounded.
Clive Barger, a 62-year-old adult education tutor, said he had turned out to mark the passing of "one of the vilest abominations of social and economic history".
He said: "It is a moment to remember. She embodied everything that was so elitist in terms of repressing people who had nothing. She presided over a class war."
Builder Phil Lewis, 47, a veteran of the 1990 poll tax riots, said he had turned out to recall the political struggles the Thatcher years had embroiled him in. "She ripped the arsehole out of this country and we are still suffering the consequences."
Margaret Thatcher has Died
by cantleave inwhether loved or hated her, you couldn't ignore her..
Theocratic Sedition
Older woman walked by about a half hour ago, and a coworker sent me a PM saying, "I thought she died today?" I replied who? Then it hit me.
AAWA is here!! (The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists)
by cedars in
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Theocratic Sedition
Jehovah has already begun removing the wheels off of AAWA's chariots. Praise Jah for His auto-referral plague!
Theocratic Sedition
Just got back from the meeting. Every year I hear the same thing from fellow dubs in attendance the day of the special talk. "I invited such and so, guess they couldn't make it." Or, "Mike (inactive relative or friend) was supposed to be here. All you can do is ask them (shrugs shoulders.)" Scanning the audience one couldn't help but notice the lack of visitors in attendance despite the invitation campaign and upswing in temporary auxiliary pioneers. Field service is a waste of time even without so called special campaigns. After looking at the audience today, not only is it a waste of time but a joke too.